
The core package of Reka.



import { Reka } from '@rekajs/core';
import * as t from '@rekajs/types';
import confetti from 'canvas-confetti';
import { Header } from './path-to-header-component.tsx';
const reka = Reka.create({
externals: {
states: {
myGlobalVariable: 0,
functions: (reka) => ({
getGlobalVariable: () => {
return reka.getExternalState('myGlobalVariable');
confetti: () => {
return confetti();
components: [
name: 'MyReactHeader',
render: (props) => {
return <Header {...props} />;
  • create(opts?: RekaOpts): Reka

    Create a new Reka instance

  • id: string

  • frames: Array<Frame>

    A list of RekaComponent instances

  • state: State

    The primary State data structure. Changes to the State will cause all Frames to recompute their output View

  • loaded: boolean

  • externals: Object

  • changes: Array<any>

  • volatile: Object

  • setHistoryManager(manager: HistoryManager): void

  • canUndo(): boolean

  • canRedo(): boolean

  • undo(): void

  • redo(): void

  • getCustomKind(name: string): CustomKindDefinition

  • getExternalState(key: string): any

  • getVolatileState(key: string): any

  • setVolatileState<V>(key: string, value: V): V

  • updateVolatileState: Function

    @deprecated - Use setVolatileState()

  • updateExternalState(key: string, value: any): void

  • program: Program

    Get the Program AST node from State. Shorthand for state.program

  • components: Object

    All components that exists in the instance. Includes RekaComponents in the Program AST and ExternalComponents that was passed to the instance in the constructor.

  • load(state: State, opts?: RekaLoadOpts): void

    Load a new State data type

  • sync(evaluateImmediately?: boolean): Promise<Array>

    Sync changes made to the State to all active Frames. You usually do not need to call this manually.

  • change(mutator: Function, opts?: RekaChangeOpts): Promise | undefined

    Perform a mutation to the State

    reka.change(() => {
  • createFrame(opts: FrameOpts, cb?: Function): Frame

    Create a new Frame instance

  • removeFrame(frame: Frame): void

    Remove an existing Frame instance

  • getFrame(id: string): Frame | undefined

    Get a Frame instance by its id

  • getExtension<D extends ExtensionDefinition>(definition: D): Extension<D>

    Get an Extension's state from its definition

  • getNodeFromId<T extends Type>(id: string, expectedType?: TypeConstructor<T>): T

    Get an AST node by its id from the State

  • getParentNode<T extends Type>(node: Type, expectedParentType?: TypeConstructor<T>): T | null

    Get the nearest parent Node of a given AST node in the State.

    const state = t.state({
    program: t.program({
    components: [
    name: "App"
    const appComponent = state.program.components[0];
    console.log(reka.getParentNode(appComponent) === state.program); // true
  • getNodeLocation(node: Type): Object

    Get the nearest parent Node and its relative path of a given AST node in the State.

    const state = t.state({
    program: t.program({
    components: [
    name: "App"
    const appComponent = state.program.components[0];
    const location = reka.getNodeLocation(appComponent);
    console.log(location.parent === state.program); // true
    console.log(location.path) // ["components", 0]
  • getNodePathStr: Function

  • listenToChangeset(subscriber: Function): Function

    Listen for changes and mutations made to the State

    reka.listenToChangeset((payload) => {
    'node changed',
  • subscribe<C>(collect: Function, onCollect: Function, opts?: StateSubscriberOpts): Function

    Subscribe to changes made in a Reka instance

    (state) => ({
    componentNames: state.program.components.map((component) => component.name),
    (collected) => {
    console.log('component names', collected.componentNames);
  • watch(cb: Function): Function

    Watch changes made within a Reka instance

    reka.watch(() => {
    'component names',
    state.program.components.map((component) => component.name)
  • createCachedQuery: Function

  • dispose(): void

    Dispose instance, stops all future computations

  • toJSON(): State

  • getIdentifiablesAtNode: Function

  • getIdentifiableFromIdentifier: Function

  • getComponentSlots(component: Component): Array | Map



Creates a Frame that computes an output View tree for a Component instance. You should not create this instance manually. Instead, use Reka.createFrame(...)

  • id: string

    An id to easily identify the Frame instance

  • sync: boolean

    Frame only computes (and recomputes) its View when sync is set to true

  • opts: FrameOpts

  • reka: Reka

  • componentName: string

  • component: Component | null

  • view: FrameView

    Get the output View for the Frame

  • getViewFromId<T extends View>(id: string, expectedType?: TypeConstructor<T>): T

    Get a View node by its id

  • getParentView<T extends View>(view: View, expectedParentType?: TypeConstructor<T>): T | null

    Get the parent View of the specified View node

  • enableSync(): void

    Enable synching. Changes made to the State that affects the Frame's component will cause its View to be recomputed

  • disableSync(): void

    Disable synching. Changes made to the State will not cause View to be recomputed

  • compute(evaluateImmediately?: boolean, cb?: Function): Promise | undefined

    Compute a View tree

  • setProps(props: Record<string,any>): void

    Update the props of the Component associated with the Frame

  • listenToChangeset: Function

    Listen for changes and mutations made to the Frame's output View

  • dispose(): void

  • getViewsForTpl(template: Template): Array<View>


  • reka: Reka

  • definition: D

  • state: ExtensionStateFromDefinition<D>

  • init(): any

  • dispose(): void

  • subscribe<C extends Record>(collector: Function, subscriber: Function, opts?: StateSubscriberOpts): Function

Made with by @prevwong
Reka is released under the MIT license